Monday, 26 March 2018

Work record 2

Plans for shoot

My plan for this shoot is the same as the previous shoots, which is to capture the snow in a different outdoor location. I will capture one location from two or more perspectives. I will capture the location with snow and with our snow. I will also capture the location when it is dark for one shoot and light for the other. For example, I might be capturing the snow scene whilst it's night time so that it will be dark, then the clear (no snow) scene when it's daytime.

Research influence 

My influence for this shoot was from the aftermath series by Frank Gohlke

Contact sheet 

I have outlined the images that I think are my best images for this shoot. The images that I have crossed out are the images that are not my best, with which I will choose two of them to further discuss in 'Images that require improvement'. 

Image bank

My best images

1 + 2

Images that require improvement

AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress.

AO2: Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops.

The first thing I did using Photoshop was open the two pictures up separately. I then cropped them so that they looked slightly more accurate in terms of how the scene looks. Next, I selected the crop tool on one of the images and dragged outwards so that I had blank space which is the same size as one of the images. I then copied and pasted the other image so that the images would be touching. 

I added lines to the images to align them correctly. I did this by selecting 'cmd'+'r' and dragging the lines from the left and from above the images. I added one line to the middle, and one line to each of the edges. I did this to help me to see the images better as separate images but also as one image. 

Next, I selected the layer with the image on the right (no snow image), and I adjusted the saturation. I decreased the saturation from 0 to -27. I had experimented with the levels until the image looked what I thought was best. I also increased the lightness from 0 to 5. Again, I experimented with different levels until it the image was best. 

AO1: Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding.

AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and, where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements. 


Work record 1

Plans for shoot

My plan for this shoot is to capture the snow again in a different outdoor location. I want to capture this location when it is dark and then do the same shoot when it is light and there is no snow. I will capture the location at slightly different perspectives so that I have a variety of photographs of the same place. My thoughts for this location would be somewhere in town that shows that there is snow.

Research influence 

My influence for this shoot was from the aftermath series by Frank Gohlke. I wasn't able to capture the type of scenes that Gohlke captured as I didn't have the resources or the time, so I photographed scenes that use the same idea of showing a location before and after. I also improvised to make my work independent by capturing them at different times of the day. 

Contact sheet 

Image bank

My best images

Images that require improvement

AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress.

With reference to best images:

The first image shows a story car park with a bright yellow sign. There is a light shining just above the sign which makes the sign more difficult to read. The image also shows grass which is covered with snow. I captured this scene with the intention to capture the exact same scene without the snow and at different times of the day, so as this image was taken in the dark, I intended to capture it again in daylight. I didn't use a tripod for this shoot as I did not have one at the time.

The second image shows the same location but a different perspective. I took this image because I wanted to have an image of this scene showing more of the snow on the grass. Again, I intended to capture the same image without snow and in daylight. 

AO2: Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops.

I used a Nikon D3300 to take my images for these shoots. I didn't have a use for the zoom lens in any of the images as I was already close enough to the scene. As I didn't have a tripod for the shoots, I stood holding the camera just below my head height. The camera settings were different for both shoots. For the first shoot, I set my camera to aperture f/5.6, shutter speed 8'' and ISO 1600. 

AO1: Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding.

In preparation for this shoot, I researched photographer Frank Gohlke. The work by Gohlke that I inspired from was called "aftermath series", where the photographer would capture a location before and after changes have happened. I found images within the research which really helped me to visualise what I intended to be doing. Knowing I wouldn't have time to capture a location before and after changes have happened (as this might be weeks or months), I decided to capture night and day. Thankfully, at the time of capturing the locations, the weather noticeably differed as I was able to capture one shoot with snow and another without, which added another case of juxtaposition. 
I found the research helpful towards my own work as I was able to take inspiration from the photographs that I found.

AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and, where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements. 
